

Traveldays is a branded online travel diary with an automatic map that I offer to tour operators.


Originally Django + RestAPI and Postgres for the backend, then switched to Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB for the backend, Vue/Nuxt.js for the front, including nuxt i18n. Running with nginx and certbot/letsencrypt and docker-compose for DevOps.


When I started at China Tours as an Online Marketing Manager, they had this process for uploading travel photos that their tour guides sent them.

The process was kind of time-consuming: Often they had to reach out to tour guides to get the latest pictures. The tour guides would then send the photos via email, upon which someone at the office had to re-size and upload the image in the right folder on the server and publish it.


I saw this inefficiency and offered to build a better solution, that I would offer to them as an SaaS. They agreed and I built the first version, mainly using the Django framework along with some custom JS code for the frontend.

Over time, I upgraded the tech stack after getting more proficient with different web technologies. The latest stack is MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue and Node.js) along with Nuxt.js for server-side rendering.

Business Case#

For tour operators traveldays can be really useful as a marketing channel. People love sharing their vacation photos, and so their friends and families also get exposed to the company’s brand and links to the company’s website.